your native language is your superpower book free chapter


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An exciting new take on living, loving and blossoming in a new country with confidence, style and joy,



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I just love the style; it felt like we were having a real-life conversation while also having concrete steps to implement.

Mélanie (French, living in Ireland)

Inside these pages are joy-filled techniques to discover . . .

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Four reasons
your native language is your superpower and why you should absolutely celebrate them

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How to love your accent and what to say if people comment about it

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How to redefine your own journey as an immigrant with you as the heroine (the female word for hero)

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The beauty of the elegant reframe to help you adjust and adapt to cultural and language challenges with style

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How to tap into the magical feeling of home whenever you need some comfort

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How to elevate your confidence by building personal bridges between your heritage and your adopted culture

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How to add joy and connection by sharing your language with others

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Why it's so powerful to create your own unique identity

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Ideas for living and loving in a mixed-nationality relationship when cultural differences get in the way

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What to do when things go wrong and you wonder if you should leave it all and go back "home"

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5 Fun ways to add some Oh là là to your confidence when you need a lift

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Gorgeous skills and processes so you can step out as the fascinating woman you are in your adopted country


The material really hit home for me in an entertaining and genuine way that made me want to make changes."

Catherine (Norwegian, living in Australia)

"A heart-warming, soul-searching, uplifting book
with many laugh-out-loud moments. A clear 5/5 rating that presented itself right when I needed it."

Anne (Irish, living in England)

"Thank you for writing this awesome book about our journey as an immigrant.
Even just reading the intro, I feel important, as if it was written just for me."

(Anabel, Mexican living in Canada)




YOUR NATIVE LANGUAGE IS YOUR SUPERPOWER (Reinventing Yourself With Joy in a New Country) is your guide to creating your new life with Confidence, Style and Joy.

From culture shock to homesickness to the language barrier, from work environments to mixed-nationality relationships and more, following the powerful guided exercises weaved throughout the book will leave you feeling proud of yourself and excited about the fascinating woman you are becoming.


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Whether you're about to move or you've been living in your adopted country for years, get ready to immerse yourself in a powerful new adventure to become the heroine of your identity and evolve into the woman you want to be, wherever you are in the world.



Throughout my 20 years of running enchanting French sessions in preschools, and the last 8 years where I've been coaching bilingual women to do the same thing in their own languages, I've heard so many stories about the challenges that these brave, beautiful women experienced as they made their new lives in their adopted countries.

On my end, I'm an Aussie with French influence from my husband and his family.  We all live near Sydney and have navigated this blend of contrasting customs, perspectives, habits and ways of seeing the world in our own individual ways.

It hasn't always been easy.  But I began to wonder . . . what if it could be easy?  And fun!

This book was inspired by the joy of seeing the women I've coached blossom with confidence and charm while discovering these perspectives.

I really hope that my book successfully guides you to discover the life-changing power of creating your own unique identity on purpose, as you continue to navigate new experiences and evolve with confidence, style and joy in your adopted country. 

Judith x